Aggie's Kitchen

Garden Black Bean Frittata and a little more motivation for you

A healthy Garden Black Bean Frittata that help jump start your day or have it for lunch. Filled with protein from eggs, beans and veggies. Delicious meal!

This post is sponsored by Bush’s Beans.

A healthy Garden Black Bean Frittata that help jump start your day or have it for lunch. Filled with protein from eggs, beans and veggies. Delicious meal!

A while back my friend Amy posted this open-faced black bean omelet recipe and I’ll tell ya, it got me intrigued. I had never thought of cooking up beans in my eggs, though I have had them on the side when I’ve ordered something like Huevos Rancheros out at restaurants, but not actually in the egg dish itself. At least not that I can recall.

A healthy Garden Black Bean Frittata that help jump start your day or have it for lunch. Filled with protein from eggs, beans and veggies. Delicious meal!

Last weekend, I found myself with a few too many zucchini – and to be honest, I think that might become a weekly occurrence since our spring CSA started back up. Will you look at this beauty? I have had a couple that size (and bigger!) in my pick-ups the last two weeks in a row.

Monster zucchinis I tell ya.

A healthy Garden Black Bean Frittata that help jump start your day or have it for lunch. Filled with protein from eggs, beans and veggies. Delicious meal!

Back to the frittata. So with that black bean omelet always in the back of my mind and with those hugantic zucchinis hanging out in my fridge, this Garden Black Bean Frittata was born. It was the perfect Saturday morning breakfast (and even better reheated in the toaster oven the next day sandwiched between two slices of toast).

Print Recipe

Garden Black Bean Frittata


  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 zucchini, chopped
  • 1/2 red onion, chopped
  • 1/2 cup Bush’s Best Black Beans, rinsed
  • 1/3 cup shredded cheddar or monterey jack cheese, divided
  • salt and pepper


  1. Heat a lightly greased small (8′) nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add chopped zucchini and onion to pan and cook for 2-3 minutes until slightly softened.
  2. Whisk eggs and half of cheese together well then add to pan along with black beans to vegetable mixture. Let eggs sit in pan for a few minutes until bottom starts to set. At this time, take a spatula and work around edges while tilting pan to let extra egg mixture fill in space around pan. Cook for another few minutes and add remaining shredded cheese on top.
  3. Place under broiler for up to 5 minutes until cooked through and golden brown. Carefully remove pan from broiler using an oven mitt and serve warm.

Note: Store your leftover Bush’s Best Black Beans in an air tight container for up to 3 days. Sprinkle in salads, throw together some quick quesadillas or salsa or even make this tastyChipotle Black Bean Pizza.

Follow AggiesKitchen on Instagram and show us what recipes you are making from the blog! Use the hashtag #aggieskitchen - I'd love to see what you are cooking up!

If you like frittatas try this Kale, Red Pepper and Goat Cheese Frittata and Parmesan Potato Frittata.

This post is sponsored by Bush’s Beans. My thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

A healthy Garden Black Bean Frittata that help jump start your day or have it for lunch. Filled with protein from eggs, beans and veggies. Delicious meal!

I am loving all the responses to the my “Motivation” giveaway. I absolutely love hearing from readers that I haven’t heard from before, and also it’s nice to know you’re not the only one who needs a little kick start every now and then. So I wanted to share a couple of more things that help me get and stay motivated.

1: MapMyRun app – I have had this app on my phone since I trained for my first half marathon two Decembers ago. Before I started training for my race, I was mostly a treadmill girl and it was easy for me to know what distance I was running. However, once I started running outside this app on my phone came in VERY handy! I use it all the time now…and not just for running obviously. You have the option to save your routes and share with people, but I just use it for distance purposes. It also gives you time and speed tracking. Have fun with it!

2: “Filler” workouts – my main way to exercise has been running for a while now, but I find that I almost always burn out or get bored with running some time or another. It sounds like a lot of you do too. I am trying to find new “filler” workouts to keep me from getting bored. I found this elliptical workout from Julie/PBFingers and am absolutely going to use it at the gym this week. It’s perfect for my in-between-run days and it’s short enough to squeeze in on a day I am thinking I want to take off instead. She’s also got some great treadmill and circuit workouts if you need a little motivation or change-up in that department.

3. Have you checked out my Fitness page? There you will be find a some training and getting started to run programs I have used or loosely used over the years.
The Get Moving and Get Healthy giveaway ends tomorrow at noon – enter here if you haven’t already!

Follow Aggie’s Kitchen’s board Breakfast on Pinterest.

Are you following me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest? If you’d like to subscribe to Aggie’s Kitchen and have each post delivered straight to your e-mail box, then please add your email here. Happy cooking!

There are affiliate links in this post. I make small earnings through any purchases made through these links. Thank you for supporting Aggie’s Kitchen!

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28 comments on “Garden Black Bean Frittata and a little more motivation for you”

  1. thanks so much for the shout out aggie! hope to see you at a blog event soon! 🙂 and if you could send me some of that fritatta for lunch today that would be grrrreat.

    • I’d love to send some frittata for lunch to you 🙂 Hope to see you again soon! And THANKS for the workouts, seriously, they are really helpful in keeping things interesting! Have a great week!

  2. This is so great, Aggie! I love this time of year for fresh veggies. And black beans are my thing lately. Love this!

  3. i’ve been using the nike+gps app but want to check out the mapmyrun one too! i’m not running (yet) but want to get an idea of mileage when i walk different routes 🙂

    • the mapmyrun app is cool b/c you could log your route in as a run/walk/bike to keep track of what you do. I don’t always run, but I try to set distance goals so it really helps with that!

  4. Never have I ever thought about putting beans in my frittata! Great idea! 🙂

  5. What a great weekend breakfast idea! Love it!

  6. Beans are awesome in SO many dishes! They just rock. This looks fantastic. Another fabulous aggie recipe

  7. This sounds so yummy! Awesome idea. Black beans and eggs are forever friends in my books.

  8. Ohhh, yum! I love breakfast frittatas, and I love this way to work some Mexican flava into it. 🙂 Definitely a must-make!

  9. hey Aggie I stopped buying black beans, I purchase a bag of dried beans let soak over night then cook 8 hrs in crockpot, then let cool drain and store in freezer. no salt or other ingrediants and they are awesome! Do the same with my garbanzo beans for hummus too.

  10. It looks delicious, Aggie! I love using beans with my breakfast dishes, and I will definitely be trying this very soon.

  11. I love frittatas and the addition of black beans here is a great idea!

  12. Yum! I’d love to try this as an egg white frittata! I’m sure it will be just as good! I don’t typically incorporate beans into breakfast dishes–something I should start doing more of!

  13. Wow- that zucchini is huge! I really wish I spent more time make breakfasts like this. Need to work on that, but as you know, with kids mornings are crazy!

  14. That is the biggest zucchini ever! I wish I had some that size. The frittata looks scrumptious- I bet it would be good with some salsa cooked in there too!

  15. Great idea, Aggie! I bet it tastes yummy!

  16. I know I have to make a vegan version of this recipe. Love it!

  17. This sounds fantastic! I like your tip on how to store beans for 3 days. I always wonder how long we can store them, although they get eaten rather quickly in our home. 🙂

  18. I love the sound of the beans in the frittata. Itactually seems like I’ve been seeing more beans in breakfast dishes lately, and I love it!

    • I know, I am loving the idea of more bean and egg combos! Am craving migas lately, will throw some beans in next time!

  19. I love black beans and I sneak them to just about everything! I know I would love them in eggs!

  20. Pingback: Chipotle Black Bean and Garden Vegetable Enchiladas | Aggie's Kitchen

  21. Pingback: Quickie Black Beans and Meatless Meals For Lent | Aggie's Kitchen

  22. It also looks delicious not just healthy. I’ll try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.