Aggie's Kitchen

Baked Brussels Sprouts Chips with Lemon Pepper

Baked Brussels Sprouts Chips? Yes! Add these to your list of healthy snacks to try next time you’re craving something crunchy but really need some veggies. 

Can we just talk about these green little gems for a second? They are sprout chips! Yep…baked brussels sprouts leaves that turn into crunchy little chips! I just came across them recently over on the blog inspiredRD and they made my head spin a bit. I mean, really, I thought kale chips were genius…these are right up there in the same category! (Speaking of kale chips…have you tried them? My friend Alison just posted a recipe for kale chips the other day, and I encourage you to try them if you haven’t. I dip mine in ketchup and can seriously eat a whole pan of them in one sitting…the kids love them too!)

I made these baked brussels sprouts chips up the other day with some of my favorite lemon pepper seasoning (I just can not get enough of that stuff) and they were a perfect snack to munch on. My kids have never tried brussels sprouts and this might be the way to do it. I’ll report back and let you know what they think.

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Baked Lemon Pepper Brussels Sprouts Chips



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Trim the stems of your brussels sprouts with a paring knife. Carefully remove leaves and place on a baking sheet. Continue trimming stem to remove more leaves.
  3. Spray your leaves with olive oil spray and sprinkle liberally with lemon pepper seasoning. Bake for about 5 minutes in 350 degree oven. At this time you will want to check for any crisp leaves and remove them. Give your baking sheet a shake and place back in the oven for 3-4 minutes. Check again and continue baking for a minute at a time until all leaves are crisp.

recipe inspired and adapted from inspiredRD

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(Photo Credit: Katie’s Cucina)

By the way…a couple of weeks ago I was asked by the organization Produce For Kids to be a speaker on a panel for an educational workshop called “How Food Bloggers are Influencing Produce Consumers and How to Create Advocates for your Brand” at the Southeast Produce Council‘s Southern Exposure Conference in Tampa, FL. I sat on the panel alongside Jeff Houck, food writer for The Tampa Tribune and author of the blog The Stew as well as bloggers Julie of Peanut Butter Fingers and Ricky of Tasty Chomps.

We had a great discussion answering several questions from moderator Heidi McIntyre of Produce For Kids as well as from the audience from how and why we started our blogs to how we deal with PR pitches to how companies in the produce industry can effectively work with bloggers. I had a great experience and really enjoyed my time at the conference (although, not going to lie, I was incredibly nervous sitting up on that stage with a microphone!!!).

(I have a thing for cute Gators. 🙂 )

(Lunch with bloggers Katie, Dawn, Ricky, Julie, Julia and Rod)

After our panel discussion, lunch and a brief tour of the conference floor I spent the rest of my time with my friend and fellow produce lover Katie of Katie’s Cucina. She’s visited us here at AK before and we’ve met in person a couple of times over the last year. Katie and I both share a slight obsession with fruits and vegetables and make each other feel less weird about it. 🙂

I couldn’t have spent my time at a produce conference with better people. You’ll have to check out Katie’s recap and photos of the conference here on her blog, she did a great job of showcasing our day, as well as all the fruits, veggies and products we sampled. You can also read Julie’s recap on the conference here on Peanut Butter Fingers as well as Ricky’s recap here on Tasty Chomps.

Are you following me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest? If you’d like to subscribe to Aggie’s Kitchen and have each post delivered straight to your e-mail box, then please add your email here. Happy cooking!

There are affiliate links in this post. I make small earnings through any purchases made through these links. Thank you for supporting Aggie’s Kitchen!

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38 comments on “Baked Brussels Sprouts Chips with Lemon Pepper”

  1. What a cool event! I bet the discussion was awesome. Um brussel chips? Book marked. Can’t wait to try!

  2. Look at you all fancy!! I love this, Aggie.

  3. Sprout chips? Cannot wait to try! And you know I’m also now in love with the Lemon Pepper bc of YOU. LOVE the recap of your trip. They couldn’t have picked a better woman to sit on that panel…. your way of taking fresh produce and making it into something delish always inspires me.

  4. You did an amazing job speaking–so incredibly proud of you! I’m so glad we got to spend the day together obsessing over produce together. lol.

  5. These are making my mouth water at 9am. I love sprouts!

  6. Oh, Aggie. You are just adorable. Simply adorable!

  7. I am sure you did great, Aggie. Love all the fresh produce!!

    I’ve made sprout chips before and it is so good!!

  8. I may have to try those chips, very interesting! What an exciting thing to be involved with, looks like it was a great time.

    • they are interesting…I tried them on the kids last night, my daughter liked, son not so much 🙂 I’ll keep making them, they are a great snack

  9. This looks so fun! Can’t wait to see you this weekend!!

  10. What a cool event–and great idea for chips!

  11. I love Brussells sprouts in general, but these “chips” sound especially good. Congrats on the Produce for Kids. It looks like it was lots of fun.

  12. I have a bunch of Brussels sprouts in my fridge right now. Totally making these to have with lunch tomorrow!

    You are so great. Would love to have been there to hear you speak.

    • you are so sweet! it was nerve-racking, but not as bad when you are talking about something you are so comfortable with (blogging)…such a learning experience for me.
      try the sprout chips and let me know what you think! 🙂

  13. This recipe looks so yummy! I will so try it! I AM SUCH A FAN OF MY FRIEND…your blog is so refreshing and a highlight to my day!

    • I am a HUGE fan of yours too. LOVE YOU! thank you so much for your sweet words, they felt like a big hug. hope you have a great day girl!

  14. Great write up about Produce for Kids.
    I love kale chips and can eat a whole pan at once, too! And LOVE the idea of sprout chips–can’t wait to try them!

    • glad you liked the write up! I love PFK! seriously, kale chips are the best aren’t they? I made these again last night, let me know if you try them!

  15. love the idea of baked sprout chips. you added just the right flavors to it.

  16. THese “chips” are brilliant!! I just went through a huge bag of Brussels sprouts, but it looks like I need to buy more!! And how fun – I would have loved to hear you speak!

  17. What a great panel…you were a perfect fit! I am in love with brussels sprouts and those look fabulous!

  18. Hi Aggie…
    I havent eaten a brussel sprout ever. They were my fathers favorite and my mother used to put them on our plates and we wouldnt eat them. Punishment was we had to go to bed, I think she just wanted to get rid of us early that night so she made them. I have hundreds of recipes on my site; and not one with brussel sprouts. I decided to do a search on them and found your recipe. It was so great. I really love them now and make your recipe once a week. I went from never eating them to eating them all the time because of your recipe. Keep up the good work! Lisa

    • Oh Lisa, your comment made my day! Thank you so much. I love knowing that you have embraced the brussels sprout! 🙂 Now you have to try them roasted…just cut them in half and toss in a little oil and seasoning, cook them up the same way till they get crispy the options are endless. But I understand, baby steps 🙂 I really appreciate your comment! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  19. Well duuuuh, of cooourse these sound amazing, I mean, they have lemon pepper on them!

    • Right?! I credit you 100% for putting that stuff back in my life. I’ve gone through 2 jars of it since you first mentioned it on Twitter 🙂

  20. Oh my goodness how fun! And I’m a sucker for anything brussels sprouts xoxo

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