Aggie's Kitchen

Super Salad

Don’t laugh, but ever since I titled this post earlier this morning I have not been able to get the song Super Bass out of my head.

Moving on…

I have been eating a big salad every single day for the past week. I know this because I posted the picture shown above on Instagram exactly a week ago…not realizing how huge of an impact those two new salad dressings I randomly picked up that day were going to be on my eating habits this past week. I’m not kidding when I say HUGE salad either. The salad shown above has evolved since first photographed.

Since that night I have added all kinds of goodness to my salad plate…each salad has been consisting of a ton of greens – including my new favorite salad green in the world, Red Russian Kale (thank you Kayln for that suggestion!!) – 2 shredded carrots, nuts or hard boiled egg or avocado, some sort of shredded or crumbled cheese and the secret ingredient, lemon pepper seasoning.

This is not a sponsored post by ANY means. This is a go make yourself a salad post. With these dressings. And this lemon pepper seasoning. Call me crazy, but I’ve been looking forward to my Super Salad every day.

I can finally say that I am out of my salad rut.

Make your own super salad. Here’s what you need:

Mixed Lettuces and Greens – I know those bagged salad mixes are tempting to buy, but I swear, they are the reason why I got in a salad rut to begin with. They made sad salads in my opinion. Buy yourself heads of lettuce. Try something new…green leaf, red leaf, butter lettuce, kales. Wash them when you get home. Fill your (clean) sink with cold water and take the leaves off (whole) and place them in the cold water. When you are done, set them out to dry for a bit on the counter on dish towels. Once they are completely dry, place them in large ziploc bags with 1 folded paper towel to absorb any moisture) and store in the fridge. When you are ready to make your salad, all you have to do is pull out a bunch of different leaves, and tear them up right into your plate. So fresh, you will never buy bagged salad mix again.

Carrots – Carrots are good for you. I have been spending the extra 20 cents and buying organic carrots because they taste SO much better (I don’t buy a lot of organic, so I’m really not just saying that for the sake of preaching organic) and because I never bother peeling my carrots so I feel better knowing they are organic. Take your box grater (clean of course) and place it right on your salad plate over your mess of greens. Grate those carrots. Yes, you’ll have a pile of them, so just gently toss them up with your greens to spread them around. You’ve got yourself a nice bulky salad base now.

Protein – Add your protein of choice now. If you’ve got leftover grilled chicken, dice it up and throw it on. I like to use chopped hard boiled eggs, avocado or nuts. I picked up some raw walnuts and cashews last week and have been using them for crunch (and protein) along with some salty smoked almonds.

Cheese – Cheese is a treat. Cut yourself up piece of cheese off the block (for portion control) and shred it right on there just like the carrots. I’ve been using Cracker Barrel 2% cheddar and it’s been pretty great. I also love crumbly gorgonzola. Have fun with this part of your salad, but don’t go overboard…it’s pretty obvious why right?

Dressing – I have always been an oil & vinegar/vinaigrette girl. Right now, I’m obsessed with those Bolthouse yogurt dressings (only 40 something calories a serving! and it tastes good!) so I’m riding the creamy salad dressings out for a while. I find myself not being able to decide between French and Ranch lately, so I do half and half. It’s your salad, do whatever you want.

Lemon Pepper Seasoning – get the California Style if you can find it. I love the stuff.

So there you have it.

The Super Salad. Enjoy.

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26 comments on “Super Salad”

  1. I just had my own super salad for lunch today. I don’t know why I don’t eat salad every day with so many delicious options?

  2. I love the look of this salad! I love salads but just don’t take the time to eat them very often. This sounds delicious!

  3. I am a huge salad girl. Always have been. I usually do oil & vinegar too or make my own so I never even look in the dressing isle anymore. I wonder if my small town even sells those- I’ll have to look because they look good and I always like when someone can recommend a good bottled dressing.

  4. Salads are awesome. People always tease me for loving them so much. Seriously, you can easily switch up the add ins and get a completely different creation each time. Deliciousness. I want to try those dressings

  5. I love salad lately…can’t get enough! I can’t wait for summer salads either…perfect on a hot day!

  6. YES LORDY ME. I love super salads for lunch. Ugh, yes I do.

  7. isn’t that funny.
    that’s all i’ve been eating
    super salad loaded with crap and healthy stuff lol

  8. Oh this is perfect. My salads are always so boring. Time to break out the lemon pepper!

  9. I’ve also been eating HUGE salads every day for a few weeks. Yummm! Your post title “Super Salad” reminded me of a very funny story back during my teen years. It’s funnier told in person (but perhaps if I was writing it in a long blog post I might be able to convey it), so one day when we finally meet in person, I’ll try to remember to share it. 🙂

  10. I truly LOVE salads, the endless options you have – – warm/cold – fully of fresh veggies/packed with yummy fruits, light lunch/ main course dinner….. Salads have come a long way, no longer just some silly lettuce on a plate. These salads you’ve photographed above look fantastic!!

  11. Yummy! You have inspired me to make my own super salad every day for lunch.

  12. OK, you have me seriously craving a salad now!!

  13. Where do you buy the kale and the dressings? We have NEVER gotten together for our lunch date…when oh when? Made a really good chick pea recipe with garam masala, cinnamon et al….loved it and Charlie did too. YAY!

  14. I definitely need to do a much better job of planning lunches for myself when I do my menu planning. I neglect doing that and end up eating JUNK. Today? I ran three miles only to then down chocolate cake and ice cream. Seriously? How dumb is that? Ugh. I’m totally taking these notes from your post and incorporating them into next week’s menu plan!

  15. Salad are both delicious and healthy to eat. You don’t have to worry about gaining weight at all or if it is bad for your health. I love making one every dinner!

  16. This makes me wanna have a salad right now! Yummy!

    “Spice it Up”

  17. Oh Aggie, This salad looks heavenly!

    I love the easy formula for mixing things – not a firm recipe – just finding and using what you have on hand that fits into each category. This is how I love to cook!

    Thanks for sharing.


    I LOVE Salads. LOVE.

    The very first meal that I ever made for hubby (back before he was hubby) was made with Lemon Pepper seasoning 😉 it definitely holds a special place in my heart 😉 😉

  19. Mmm.. I love a good bowl of hearty salad. Lovely options, too 🙂

  20. Pingback: Stir Fried Soba Noodles with Napa Cabbage and Bok Choy | Aggie's Kitchen

  21. You make even a salad look amazing!

  22. Pingback: Asian Chopped Cabbage and Mushroom Salad With Panfried Wonton Crisps | Aggie's Kitchen

  23. Pingback: Kale and Chard Green Power Salad with Maple Vinaigrette | Aggie's Kitchen

  24. I want to make a Super Salad right now!

  25. Pingback: Healthy Habit: Weekly Salad Prep | Aggie's Kitchen

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